Chief Investment Officer​

Our flagship service includes serving our clients as Chief Investment Officer (CIO).

In scope of this role we are devoted to oversee the investment activity, including planning of the investment strategy in light of the family's goals and values, management of the implementation directly and by third parties executing investment activities, monitor the developments and provide integrated reporting.

Integrated Planning

Integrated planning is usually the first step when clients start working with a family office.

Strategic planning of wealth management is done according to the Client’s goals, expected and unexpected life events, resources and risk preferences.

TAO works with the family and their advisors in specific disciplines, such as tax, legal, insurance and investments. We identify priority issues, create a plan and develop solutions together to meet the family’s objectives.

TAO’s breadth and depth of experience in all key financial disciplines makes us uniquely positioned to pull all the pieces of the puzzle together.

Our role is also to identify areas requiring specific external expertise and then involve and work with those professionals as needed. In a sense, we act as a ‘general contractor’ on behalf of the family.


Once the initial integrated planning work has been completed out, we proceed to the investment management stage.

This stage includes ongoing and dynamic process of asset allocation, risk management, investment selection, investment managers' selection and overseeing and advisory coordination.

Our aim is optimizing investment portfolio performance. The process is done according to pre-defined policy and market events.


We provide consolidated reporting of all bank accounts and all asset classes, to enable making strategic decisions on asset allocation and manage risk.

We monitor the investment performance in terms of return and risk and bespoke reporting, including cash flow aspects.
We review actual performance against the forecast and adjusting strategy accordingly.
Consolidated reporting helps our clients have better view and ongoing monitoring of the implementation of investment policy and its results.

Such services shall not replace accounting and audit services.

Tatyana Tanchelson

Alin Goldshtein

Alexander Potievskiy


76 Igal Alon st, Tel-aviv, Israel

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